Workshop on Dramaturgy

Wisdom and Poetic Word of the Ancients 29.07.2024 - 1.08.2024 - Gliwice (PL). Led by the Italian teacher Walter Valeri. Born in 1949 in Forlì, Italy, Master ART/MAXT Institute at Harvard University together with a group of peers, he founded and edited in 1975 the literary magazine “Sul Porto” which received contributions from leading Italian poets.

Mask, Gesture and Storytelling

The new dates of the Workshop organized by the Amleto and Donato Sartori International Mask Museum aims to tell the experience and the history of masks creation by the Sartori family. The workshop initially scheduled for October and postponed for health reasons of the staff of the Centro Maschere Sartori, will be proposed again from 8th to 10th December.